Monday, August 17, 2009

Share the pain but not the wealth

I returned from Holiday last week and I was feeling energised and re-charged. On the trip back from the Airport I switched from radio station to station absorbing the news in an effort to catch up on things. And something struck me. Everybody was talking about sharing. The Government was at it. The main opposition party was at it. Even right wing economists, developers, bankers and IBEC were at it. So had they finally seen the light? Well, no. They were talking about sharing the pain. Social Welfare had to be cut, child benefit cut, jobs in the public sector had to go and more tax increases for ordinary working people were all needed to, yes you guessed it, share the pain. Why is it that it is now necessary and indeed ‘patriotic ‘to share the pain' when these very same people expressed no interest in sharing the wealth. Same old, same old. I felt a drain on my new source of energy!!

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